
This paper addresses privacy concerns in NLP classification models, focusing on how these models can leak private information through Membership Inference Attacks (MIAs). It explores both sample-level MIAs and introduces user-level MIAs, demonstrating the latter’s stronger privacy risks due to aggregated data features.


The study makes three key contributions:

  1. A systematic analysis of privacy risks in NLP classification models.
  2. A suite of MIA methods for sample-level and novel user-level inferences.
  3. Experimental results showcasing user-level MIAs’ heightened accuracy (up to 25% better than sample-level MIAs).


Sample-Level MIAs

These attacks infer if a single data sample was part of the model’s training data. Features such as cross-entropy loss, rank, and confidence are used, with a threshold distinguishing members from non-members.

User-Level MIAs

Unlike sample-level, user-level MIAs aggregate information from multiple samples tied to a user. This study proposed three types:

  • Threshold-based: Using average statistics of user data features.
  • Learning-based: Leveraging machine learning models trained on aggregated user features.
  • Sample-to-user-level: Combining individual sample predictions to infer user membership.

Experimental Findings

Using datasets like Reddit and Amazon reviews, the experiments highlight:

  • User-level MIAs are more effective than sample-level, especially with Transformer-based models like BERT.
  • Privacy risks increase with more classes, larger vocabularies, and longer token sequences.
  • User contributions across multiple data classes increase their susceptibility.


The research emphasizes the need for stronger privacy measures in NLP models, as current practices are insufficient to prevent MIAs. Future directions include:

  • Auditing data collection processes using MIAs.
  • Developing text perturbation methods to mitigate privacy risks.


Shejwalkar, V., Inan, H. A., Houmansadr, A., & Sim, R. (2021). Membership Inference Attacks Against NLP Classification Models. Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021). Read the full paper.