
This paper investigates memorization in large language models (LLMs), focusing on how instruction-tuned models can reveal more pre-training data than their base counterparts. It introduces a black-box prompt optimization method, leveraging an attacker model to generate effective prompts that induce training data leakage from instruction-tuned models like Alpaca and Vicuna.


The paper highlights three major contributions:

  1. Prompt Optimization Approach: A method to optimize prompts iteratively, increasing overlap between generated outputs and training data while minimizing prompt similarity to the original training context.
  2. Higher Memorization Discovery: Demonstrates that instruction-tuned models can expose up to 23.7% more training data compared to baseline methods.
  3. Automated Attack Exploration: Introduces automated strategies for auditing memorization in LLMs, identifying privacy risks through efficient and reproducible techniques.


Black-box Prompt Optimization

This approach uses an iterative rejection-sampling process to optimize prompts. The attacker model generates candidates that maximize output overlap with training data while penalizing prompt similarity to the ground truth.

Evaluation Metrics

The study employs ROUGE-L to measure memorization (overlap between generated and true data) and Longest Common Subsequence Prompt-Overlap (LCSP) to quantify prompt similarity with training data.

Experimental Findings

  • Datasets and Models: Evaluated on models like Alpaca, Tulu, and Vicuna across datasets such as GitHub, ArXiv, and C4.
  • Results: The proposed method achieves:
    • 12.4% higher memorization detection in instruction-tuned models than base models.
    • 12.5% more training data extraction compared to white-box methods like Greedy Coordinate Gradient (GCG).
  • Insights: Larger sequence lengths and open-source attacker models (e.g., Zephyr) enhance attack efficacy.


The findings raise concerns about instruction-tuned models’ vulnerability to data leakage. The study calls for robust privacy safeguards in LLM training and instruction-tuning processes.


Kassem, A. M., Mahmoud, O., Mireshghallah, N., et al. (2024). Using LLMs to Uncover Memorization in Instruction-Tuned Models. Read the full paper.